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Getting Started: Blazor

Get started with Blazor in .NET

Blazor is a modern front-end web framework based on HTML, CSS, and C# that helps you build web apps faster by allowing you to use your existing knowledge of C# and minimizing the need to use JavaScript to a minimum amount. It is an incredible tool that can help developers be very productive by unifying the front-end stack with the back-end one. In this course, Microsoft MVP Jimmy Engström will assume you have no experience with Blazor, and he will spend the better part of 7 hours teaching you what Blazor is, how it works and how you can use it to build complex, production-grade web applications using C#.


Welcome (01:50)

What will you learn in this course? (01:16)

Who is the course for and prerequisites (00:31)

What is Blazor? (01:36)

The web before Blazor (04:06)

WebAssembly (02:49)

The origin of Blazor (04:14)

What makes Blazor great? (05:48)

Do companies use Blazor? (01:57)

Installing the tools (01:29)

Blazm Extension (01:36)

Hosting models (17:55)

Looking at the templates (27:48)

Third party controls (01:28)

Razor Syntax (06:22)

@Page + Routing (07:29)

Parameters (03:24)

Dependency Injection Inject (09:52)

@typeparam (03:53)

@attribute (01:19)

@attributes (04:00)

@Using + _Imports (02:18)

@layout (03:09)

@onclick & EventCallbacks (05:17)

Binding data (12:51)

StateHasChanged (06:35)

Cascading parameters (12:20)

Where should I put the code? (08:11)

Lifecycle events (06:15)

Prerendering (07:53)

Render modes (04:51)

SSR (03:17)

WebAssembly standalone (04:20)

Introduction (01:18)

Session/local Storage (04:46)

Database (05:16)

Injected Service (06:26)

Introduction (00:58)

The built-in template (09:31)

Auth0 (02:27)

Introduction (00:31)

Virtualize (09:32)

NavLink (02:45)

NavigationManager (06:47)

ErrorBoundary (04:40)

NavigationLock (04:53)

QuickGrid (05:50)

HeadContent /PageTitle (02:02)

Section / Section outlet (06:19)

Router (02:00)

Introduction (00:17)

EditForm (06:42)

Validation (09:04)

The controls (03:46)

Creating a Form component (Textbox) (06:06)

SSR Form (05:32)

Introduction (01:10)

Render fragments (07:34)

HTMLRenderer (05:44)

RenderFragment from method (03:48)

Introduction (01:19)

What library should I choose (02:07)

Abstraction Layer (15:04)

Intro (00:16)

Debugging Blazor Server (03:55)

Debugging WebAssembly (03:45)

Hot Reload (02:51)

Introduction (00:49)

CSS (03:13)

Isolated CSS (07:10)

Introduction (00:29)

Blazor to JavaScript (11:13)

JavaScript to Blazor (06:25)

Introduction (00:35)

bUnit (08:53)

Intro (06:21)

Adding a list (13:05)

Editing a todo (04:01)

Adding a board (05:47)

Going overboard with SignalR (05:33)

Adding Progress and filters (04:04)

Wrap up (01:23)

Conclusion (01:02)

Course Info

Getting Started
7h 4m
Rating (2K+):

Lifetime access

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About the Author


Jimmy Engström

Jimmy Engström has been developing ever since he was 7 years old and got his first computer. He loves to be on the cutting edge of technology, trying new things. When he got wind of Blazor, he immediately realized its potential and adopted it when it was in beta. He has been running Blazor in production since it was launched by Microsoft. He is the author of "Web Development with Blazor" and the co-host of Coding After Work (podcast and stream).

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